112 Court Square South Talladega, AL 35160 Office (256) 368-9008 Fax (760) 462-2080
Want to sell your home? You've come to the right place.
We will will list your home, handle all calls, show and sell your home for a lower commission than any quoted by a competing company. Your home will be listed on our MLS, pushed to every site linked to AlaHomes including Trulia, Zillow and Realtor.com for as long as it takes and you don’t owe us a dime until your home is sold.
Your property will be publicized in markets around the world and our agents come to you. We don't expect you to waste time traveling to us. We don't rely on print ads as they've proven to be a waste of resources. We spotlight your home on some of the most visited websites on the Internet today including AlaHomes.com, Zillow.com, Trulia.com and Realtor.com in addition to thousands of others.
Your business is important to us we're a small agency and you can depend on never being another name or number in a file but a valued client, customer…friend. We want to earn your repeat business!
Please call (256) 368-9008 or e-mail Sales@AlaHomes.com to set up and appointment with an agent and see what we can do for you.